Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Unexamined life is not worth living?

When Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living, I couldn't agree more. I do believe that a person should take the time out of the day to examine themselves and to know themselves better, because the better we know ourselves the better we become. If I constantly live a life that is dull and just let all the motions move, can you even call that life? In order to live a full life I believe that one must constantly learn from themselves.

I apologize for always talking about baseball, but for example baseball: In a typical day I analyze everything that goes on in the game of baseball. It may be my swing, the pitcher, or maybe even the weather. In order to learn from prior life experiences, in this case past baseball games, I must examine the past experience I've had. Examining and learning from past experience is the only way humans can become better in life. If I was to play the game of baseball without examining all the aspects, I would not be successful at all because I would not learn from my failures. This can easily be tied back into life, if a person does not take time to examine themselves and learn from prior experiences, what really is their life then? There wouldn't be a light at the end of the tunnel for them to strive for.

Although Socrates says its "not worth living" these words sound very harsh. But remember, Socrates' quote was in Latin or Greek and that quote could have been translated in a harsher manner, therefore if you believe that the quote is harsh please examine yourself.


  1. I like how you compare Socrates' quote to your own life. I had never thought of taking such an incendiary saying and comparing it to something as normal to me as the sport that I play. Who knows, maybe it'll help me win city this year!

  2. I agree with what you are saying. Today, a lot of people mindlessly go through the tasks of their day. How can they really understand what they want and how they feel about different issues if they don't examine themselves? With a world filled with people and media sources ready to persuade the public, I think it is necessary that people take time out of their day to better know themselves.
