Thursday, October 16, 2014

How Do I Know What I Know?

How do I know what I know? That is a question I've never thought of asking myself. Sometimes the simplest things we take for granted and don't ever take a second to think about how we know how to do it. For example, walking, how do we know how to walk? We first learned how to walk at a young enough age where verbal instructions couldn't be fully comprehended, so therefore how do we know how to correctly walk? I think the answers to these questions are found within us.

Lets say walking for example, how did we learn how to walk if we didn't even know how to talk? I believe that we learned how to walk because we learn this task visually, as a child we just simply followed what our parents were doing, which was walking on two feet. The same goes for anything we learn, we know things based upon other's behaviors. Another example is learning, how do I know what I'm being taught is right? I truly don't know if what I'm learning is right but if everyone else agrees upon the same conclusion than it must be right.

As humans, I think how we know things is based on what we learn from others. The validity of knowledge is verified based on the more people that believe in the same thing. Humans are biologically created to follow what other humans do, and how we know things is simply by following what others think or do.

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